A Cookie-less World

Third-Party Cookies
Google Chrome is planning to eliminate the use of third-party cookies by 2022. They are the last browser to do so, with Safari and Firefox taking this step years ago. This is coming into play as Chrome now represents at least 66% of the market share.
With this update, we will only target users based on in-the-moment actions taken on the current page (vs. including users’ actions from previous pages); some tracking capabilities will become limited. This applies to all Google products, including SEM, GDN, Discovery, Gmail, and Youtube.
Our team is continuing our education on these topics through research and webinars. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, we will continue to investigate new updates as they are announced and bring the key points to your attention to help inform the next steps relative to your business and campaign.
In the meantime, the below provides some background on terms you’ll likely be hearing, as well as some early solutions to be mindful of as we get closer to 2022.
Third-Party Cookies
Google Chrome will stop selling ads targeted to individual user’s browsing habits. As this action is taken at the browser level, the change will impact all advertising, regardless of the inventory source.
First-party cookies (cookies created and stored only by the site a user visits) will not be changed.
With the inability to use historical web data, there will be some nuances to keep in mind with reporting capabilities:
Third-Party Cookies
Google is creating the “Privacy Sandbox,” a set of tools that allow advertisers to run targeted ads without direct access to personal details. Two of the main elements are FLoC: Federated Learning of Cohorts, and Fledge: First Locally-Executed Decision over Groups Experiment
Tactics To Consider
First-party client data will be key
Put UTMs in place for all media (paid and owned)
Increase use of vertical ad networks, premium publishers
Create dedicated landing pages for paid media
Set up conversion tracking goals in Google Analytics
Use cookieless signals